Thomas Prais's Profile

  • Jul 09, 2007
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Latest comments made by: Thomas Prais

  • Despite the buzz, I have a hard time seeing how this product strengthens Apple, which enjoys a reputation of . . . well, how to put this? Of not selling broken products. Apple prod is supposed to work out of the box, and work intuitively. Apple's rep is that they work the bugs out of a product before they sell something. And while you learn to use Windows, Apple is intuitive. With iPhone, that all changes, doesn't it? AT&T had activation problems, there's already reports about bugs . . . and there even seems to be some security gaps, a new problem for Apple. It's a neat phone, don't get me wrong, but one that may provide little incentive for consumers to rush out and buy the next Apple intro. I've written more about Apple's iPhone and brand at
    Thomas Prais had this to say on Jul 06, 2007 Posts: 1
    Review Part 1 of 2: The iPhone